Churchill spent 2019 consolidating the vast majority of the White River diamond district into our property, and now controls all but a small package held by major Rio Tinto. White River hosts ~20km of diamond-bearing kimberlitic dykes, which have been shown to be 2-30m in width and therefore represent large-tonnage targets. The project needs systematic trenching along the dyke trends, and drilling of pipe-shaped magnetic targets, to define the “sweet spot” of highest diamond grades for further prioritized evaluations.
Located on The Trans-Canada Highway in New Diamond District
● Churchill is the first junior in the area of discoveries by Rio Tinto and DeBeers
● Rio’s significant Rabbit’s Foot discovery is completely surrounded by our White River Property, which captures the entire White River Kimberlite Field
● De Beers discoveries (5 kimberlites confirmed thus far) to the north
The Hemlo Area projects provide 12-month field access and low working costs

● White River Property has diamondiferous kimberlitic dyke already confirmed, further targets to be prospected, sampled and trenched in 2020 leading to drilling
● All 5 kimberlitic dykes captured by Churchill, as well as numerous pipe-like magnetic targets
● Property expanded ten-fold to 28,900 ha (~289km2) to consolidate the district

● Churchill’s new claims will be surveyed with airborne magnetics in 2021/2022

● Churchill’s geologic crews can target some 75known easily accessed sites on the dykes and pipe targets with trenching to isolate the highest diamond contents
● Drilling can follow immediately on the trenching success